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We issue boil water alerts if there's a decrease in pressure in one of the main water pipes. If this advisory is for you, you'll see a notice hanging on your front door. If you've kept your contact details with us up to date, 你也可能会接到一个电话, 一个文本, 或者平台登录的电子邮件. Receiving any of these messages means you should boil your tap water before using it, or you could use bottled water as an alternative.


Did you find a notice on your door or receive a message through phone, 电子邮件, 或者短信指示你把水烧开? 这是你的行动计划. This alert means you should boil your tap water before using it or opt for bottled water instead. In many instances, we'll also provide bottled water right at your doorstep alongside the notice.

Boil Water Alerts are typically issued when there's a decrease in the pressure of the water main, 哪一种可能是由休息之类的事情引起的, 停电, 或者维护活动. We make sure to notify every impacted household by placing notices on doors and, 如果平台登录有你现在的联系方式, 平台登录也会通过电话提醒你, 文本, 或电子邮件.

When there's a boil water advisory, make sure to boil your water for one minute before use. 虽然这种情况很少见, a drop in water pressure can sometimes allow pollutants to seep into the water supply. Boiling the water kills off any potential harmful organisms that might have made their way into your drinking water.

After issuing a boil water notice, we conduct thorough testing to ensure the water's safety. 平台登录在两天的时间里收集样本. As soon as we verify the water is free from any contaminants, we will contact you to let you know it's safe to stop boiling your water.


Continue to boil your water or use bottled water for about 48 hours, or until we notify you that the advisory has ended. 用开水饮用, 烹饪, and any other needs until tests show the water is clean again.

  1. Heat water on your stove until it starts to bubble vigorously.
  2. 继续煮一分钟.
  3. Turn off the heat and let the water cool down.

一旦冷却,就可以使用了. You may want to store cooled boiled water in the fridge for later use.

  • 喝: This includes making coffee, tea, or any powdered drinks.
  • 准备食物: Use it for washing fruits, vegetables, or any other food that won't be cooked or baked.
  • 婴儿配方奶粉: 如果你用配方奶粉喂养婴儿, 确保所有的喂料设备,如奶瓶, 乳头, and pump parts are washed in soapy tap water and sterilized before each use.
  • 烹饪: Always use boiled or bottled water when adding water directly to food that won't be heated up or cooked.
  • 口腔卫生: Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with boiled or bottled water.
  • 冰: Only use boiled or bottled water to make ice cubes.
  • 清洁厨房表面: Use it for washing areas where you prepare food, such as cutting boards and countertops.
  • 眼部护理及隐形眼镜: Rinse your eyes or contact lenses with boiled or bottled water. Make sure to clean your contacts with the proper solution and wash your hands thoroughly before handling them.
  • 服药: Swallow your pills with boiled or bottled water.
  • 治疗伤口: Clean any wounds or sores with boiled or bottled water as a safety measure, especially if you have a weakened immune system. If you're at higher risk, please talk to your doctor for advice.
  • 淋浴和沐浴: It's safe to shower or bathe, but ensure no water is swallowed, especially by children. For infants and toddlers, a sponge bath is recommended to avoid ingestion.
  • 剃须: Water straight from the source is fine for shaving.
  • 做配菜: Wash dishes, utensils, and cookware using soap and water. Rinse them with boiled water or use a dishwasher on its sanitizing cycle.
  • 洗衣及清洁: Tap water is suitable for laundry, as well as general house cleaning and mopping.
  • 洗手: Use soap and water, scrubbing your hands for at least 20 seconds, then rinse and dry thoroughly.
  • 宠物饮用水: Generally, water is okay for animals due to their natural resistance to certain contaminants. However, if concerned, boiled water is a safer option.
  • 宠物洗澡: 给宠物洗澡是可以接受的.
  • 植物浇水和草坪灌溉: The water is safe for gardening and lawn care. However, wash any produce with boiled or bottled water before eating.
  • 冲厕所: The water is perfectly fine for flushing toilets.

No, all water from the hot or cold tap should be boiled for 1 minute.

What about water filters at home or in stores?

These systems' effectiveness can vary, so it's safest to use boiled or bottled water.


Yes, for clear water, add 1/8 teaspoon (or about 10 drops) of unscented household bleach (5.25%次氯酸钠)每加仑水. 搅拌均匀,等待30分钟后使用.


There are many outdoor water treatment options, 但它们去除细菌的能力, 寄生虫, 病毒是多种多样的. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. If in doubt, stick to boiled or bottled water.


Keep breastfeeding if you're already doing so. For formula, use ready-to-use options or prepare with safe water.


If you experience symptoms like diarrhea or nausea, 咨询医疗保健提供者, especially if you suspect it's related to the water.



  • Run taps for 2 minutes or until the water is cold to clear out your pipes.
  • Check and manage your building's water system if necessary.
  • Throw away any food or drinks made with water during the advisory.